Caratterizzazione fonetica e fonologica del dialetto friulano del Basso Canale di Gorto

Roseano, P.
Archivio Glottologico Italiano, CIII(II), 154-201.

This article describes the main phonological characteristics and some phonetic features of the Friulian dialect of the lower valley of Gorto, which has been described only partially. We provide a carachterization of the vowel and consonant inventories of the dialect, as well as a discussion of the most noteworthy phonological processes. The approach is synchronic, although in a few cases some diachronic information is provided. Our data coincide with the oldest descriptions of this dialect (Gortani and Matinelli 1898, Battisti 1924) as well as with the data of the Friulian linguistic atlas (Pellegrini 1972-1986). Nevertheless, they differ partly from some accounts published in the second half of the 20th century (Francescato 1966, Frau 1984) insofar as our data suggest that this variety is less innovative than it had been argued.

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