La interfaz estructura informativa-prosodia: el rol de la tematicidad jerárquica basado en un modelo empírico

Domínguez-Bajo, Mónica
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural 2019; 62: 95-98

PhD thesis in communication and information tecnologies written by M´onica Dom´ınguez Bajo at the University Pompeu Fabra under the supervision of Dr. Leo Wanner and la Dra. Mireia Farr´us Cabecer´an. The author was examined on Friday, 17th November 2017 by a committee formed by the doctors Bernd M¨obius (University of Saarland), Pilar Prieto Vives (University Pompeu Fabra) y Catherine Lai (University of Edinburgh). It obtained the grade of Excellent. 

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