Cedric Boeckx

Professor ICREA
Grau de Lingüística
Edifici Josep Carner, 5è pis, despatx 5.25
Assignatures que imparteix (2024-2025)
- Q1
- Interdisciplinary application of linguistic concepts, (Màster de Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge)
Research Lines
- Biolinguistics Social & Behavioural Sciences
- Cognitive Science Social & Behavioural Sciences
- Theoretical linguistics Humanities
- Thomas O’Rourke, Pedro Tiago Martins, Rie Asano, Ryosuke O. Tachibana, Kazuo Okanoya, Cedric Boeckx (2021), Capturing the effects of domestication on vocal learning complexity, Trends in Cognitive Science, març de 2021.
- Boeckx, Cedric (2021), Reflections on language evolution: From minimalism to pluralism, Berlin. .
- Martin Kuhlwilm, Cedric Boeckx (2019), A catalog of single nucleotide changes distinguishing modern humans from archaic hominins, Scientific Reports 9, Article number: 8463 .
- Cedric Boeckx (2019), Elementary Syntactic Structures. Prospects of a Feature-Free Syntax.
- Cedric Boeckx, Kleanthes K. Grohmann (eds.) (2018), The Cambridge Handbook of Biolinguistics.
- Cedric Boeckx (2017), 'The language-ready head: Evolutionary considerations', Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 24, 1, 194-199.
- Martins PT & Boeckx C (2016), 'What we talk about when we talk about biolinguisti, Linguistics Vanguard, vol. 2, 1.
- Cedric Boeckx (2016), 'Un-Cartesian (Bio-)linguistics?, Teorema, 34, 161-185.
- Theofanopoulou C & Boeckx C (2016), 'The central role of the thalamus in language and cognition', Boeckx C & Fujita K, ed. Advances in Biolinguistics: The human language faculty and its biological basis.
- Alamri, Saleh, E. Zhang, Constantina Theofanopoulou, Gonzalo Castillo, E. Shi, Pedro T. Martins, S. Martínez Ferreiro, and Cedric Boeckx (2015), 'Implications of subcortical structures in aphasia', Frontiers in Psychology Conference Abstract: Academy of Aphasia 53rd Annual Meeting. Tucson, USA. Vol. 81.
- C. Boeckx, M.C. Horno & J.L. Mendívil (eds.) (2012), Language from a biological point of view. Current issues in biolinguistics. Introduction to Part I Language and Cognition, Mewcastle upon Tyne.
Tesis Doctorals
- DirectorDr. Cedric Boeckx i Dra. Bridget D. Samuels
- DirectorCedric Boeckx
- DirectorCedricBoeckx
- DirectorCedric Boeckx
Grups de Recerca
- Investigador principalCedrick Boeckx
- Investigador principalMariona TauléWebsite
Projectes de Recerca
- Investigador principalCedric BoeckxAny d'iniciAny de finalització
- Investigador principalCedric BoeckxAny d'iniciAny de finalització